1450.00 Sale

Product info

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CABLE (REGULAR) [hsnCode] => R [type] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [added_on] => 2023-09-07 13:34:24 [category_name] => Gynecology Surgical Instruments (regular) ) [3] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 35697 [product_id] => 876 [product_name] => BIPOLAR FORCEP STR WITH CABLE (REGULAR) [slug] => slug876 [product_category] => 170 [product_image] => adason bipolar.jpg [price] => 300.00 [qty] => 25 [trending] => 0 [description] => BIPOLAR FORCEP WITH CABLE (REGULAR) [status] => 1 [added_by] => qbTMCG2kP4XS1el5bnbjFrDvbkVIploy6tlU2UuHrd1hqSr43vNdG36oKm3TdAHKwjY1zUmlt8Cw6Pbrg2IdX2da6aGanEPnes8y [seo_title] => NULL [search_tag] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [seo_keywords] => BIPOLAR FORCEP WITH CABLE (REGULAR) [seo_desc] => BIPOLAR FORCEP WITH CABLE (REGULAR) [hsnCode] => R [type] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [added_on] => 2023-09-07 13:34:24 [category_name] => Gynecology Surgical Instruments (regular) ) [4] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 35611 [product_id] => 638 [product_name] => UTERINE SOUND (REGULAR) [slug] => slug638 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NULL [search_tag] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [seo_keywords] => PELKMAN FORCEP STR 10.5 [seo_desc] => PELKMAN FORCEP STR 10.5" (REGULAR) [hsnCode] => R [type] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [added_on] => 2023-09-07 13:34:24 [category_name] => Gynecology Surgical Instruments (regular) ) [6] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 35179 [product_id] => 631 [product_name] => PELKMAN FORCEP CVD 10.5" (REGULAR) [slug] => slug631 [product_category] => 170 [product_image] => PELKMAN-FORCEP-CVD-10(REG).jpg [price] => 900.00 [qty] => 8 [trending] => 1 [description] => PELKMAN FORCEP CVD 10.5" (REGULAR) [status] => 1 [added_by] => qbTMCG2kP4XS1el5bnbjFrDvbkVIploy6tlU2UuHrd1hqSr43vNdG36oKm3TdAHKwjY1zUmlt8Cw6Pbrg2IdX2da6aGanEPnes8y [seo_title] => NULL [search_tag] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [seo_keywords] => PELKMAN FORCEP CVD 10.5 [seo_desc] => PELKMAN FORCEP CVD 10.5" (REGULAR) [hsnCode] => R [type] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [added_on] => 2023-09-07 13:34:24 [category_name] => Gynecology Surgical Instruments (regular) ) [7] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 35174 [product_id] => 625 [product_name] => JACOB UTERINE VASCULAR FORCEP 8" (REGULAR) [slug] => slug625 [product_category] => 170 [product_image] => JACOB-UTERINE-VASCULAR-8-TOOTH(REG).jpg [price] => 850.00 [qty] => 17 [trending] => 1 [description] => JACOBS VALSELLUM 2 TOOTH 8" (REGULAR) [status] => 1 [added_by] => qbTMCG2kP4XS1el5bnbjFrDvbkVIploy6tlU2UuHrd1hqSr43vNdG36oKm3TdAHKwjY1zUmlt8Cw6Pbrg2IdX2da6aGanEPnes8y [seo_title] => NULL [search_tag] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [seo_keywords] => JACOBS VALSELLUM 2 TOOTH 8 [seo_desc] => JACOBS VALSELLUM 2 TOOTH 8" (REGULAR) [hsnCode] => R [type] => SURGICAL FORCEPS [added_on] => 2023-09-07 13:34:24 [category_name] => Gynecology Surgical Instruments (regular) ) [8] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 35173 [product_id] => 623 [product_name] => DUPLY UTRINE FORCEP 11" (REGULAR) [slug] => slug623 [product_category] => 170 [product_image] => DUPLY-UTRINE-FORCEP-11(REG).jpg [price] => 850.00 [qty] => 16 [trending] => 1 [description] => DUPLY 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